We are proud to introduce our physician, Dr. Manuel Juson, MD. Dr. Juson is a family practice physician, seeing all ages of patients. We will gladly schedule visits for new and existing patients for Dr. Juson.
Our Nurse Practitioner, Kimberly Clark – DNP-C, is trained in family practice and sees all ages of patients as well. She is also highly skilled in case management.
Our professional and courteous staff are here to help you to achieve optimal health and are trained to ask questions to better serve you and your healthcare provider during your visit.
To make the most of your time, please bring the following to each appointment:
Current medications, or a list of all your current medications, and any medication allergies you may have.
Current insurance card(s).
Current photo ID.
We offer same day appointments, in most cases.
Medicare, Texas Medicaid, and most insurances are accepted.
“No one will be denied access to service due to inability to pay. There is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available for individuals without insurance.”
Parkview RHC does not discriminate in the provision of services based on an Individual’s inability to pay or in the utilization of insurance coverage under the Medicare, Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance programs.
Parkview RHC does not discriminate based on an individual’s race, color, sex, national origin,
disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
“A nadie se le negará el acceso al servicio por no poder pagar. Hay un programa de tarifas variables/con descuento disponible para personas sin seguro”. Parkview RHC no discrimina en la provision de servicios basándose en la incapacidad de pago de un individuo o en la utilización de la cobertura de seguro bajo los programas Medicare, Medicaid o Seguro médico para niños. Parkview RHC no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, sexo, origen nacional, discapacidad, religión, edad, orientación sexual o identidad de género de una persona.
Parkview Hospital © 2019 | All Rights Reserved.